Aaron L.

RakeTrades Mastermind 4.0 Student

I want to share with you the story of Aaron Lewko.

He’s a Mastermind 4.0 Alumni and recently had one of his greatest trading days...

Aaron was extremely patient on Wednesday, utilizing the system to find 2 separate trades on $SPY that ultimately netted him 16x his risk.

Now, these days are definitely not “typical” returns on risk.

However, when big moves come, Aaron knows how to execute them.

Here’s a little backstory on Aaron…

He started trading on and off in 2019 but started taking trading more seriously last summer.

But he’d still find himself having a lot of inconsistencies across all areas of his trading.

And then recently he’d joined Mastermind 4.0, this is what he had to say…

“Wasn’t until recently that the mastermind tied it all together for me and I’ve been on a much clearer path to my goals full-time!

Psychology and process is the most important aspect I focus on as should everyone else!

I’m currently working in hospitality at the Ritz Carlton for the sole reason it allows me to have my mornings open for trading.”

Aaron is now trading full-time while being able to balance his career on the side.

In addition, we’d also like to give a warm welcome to Aaron for becoming a team member at Rake Trades.

Aaron has displayed an extremely active mindset towards his trading psychology & helping other mastermind students to grow.

He has shown us that he has an extremely clear understanding of all details of our system, as well as an ability to execute those trades.

He's gone out of his way to help other students see what he is seeing, and it's time that he receives some recognition as well as a larger role within our group.

On top of that, he's just genuinely a good dude that we are excited to have as a part of the team.

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